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Monday, October 15, 2012

Contact sheet of negatives

                        Contact Sheet

The contact sheet is an overall printed image of my negatives.

The way of doing contact sheet is:

     I put my negatives with shiny side up onto the contact board and I place them under the slats on the glass top. Then I go into dark room with all the equipments. This time I learned that how to adjust the height and the aperture of the enlarger. So, I press the focus button first, so the light is running then I set the height and I place the contact board under the enlarger, after that I set the size of the light by changing the height of the aperture. Now, all part of the contact board should be illuminated. Next, I set the aperture to F11 by turning the aperture ring in one way while i saw 11 on a little screen then I press the focus button again,so the light will turn off. Then take out a photographic paper and rip it into 4 pieces. Those pieces will be my test strips.

  I place one piece in diagonal line with shine side up on the contact board. Press the sides of the contact board together till I hear a click. The purpose of the test strip is to find the proper time value to get a well exposed contact sheet. So when I did my test strip, I set the timer to 3 seconds then I pressed the run button and exposed the hole piece for 3 secs. Then I held the photo paper box above the contact board and I pressed the run button again and again while I was moving the paper box by a half frame about 7 or 8 times. Then, I processed the test strip in the usual way but I cut down the time a bit.

   After that, I showed the result to the teacher and we checked the dark tones and we decided to do an other test strip, but now I had to expose the hole test strip for 15 secs. I showed this one also to the teacher and he said that to do a big sheet of paper with 15 secs.

   So, I'd gone back, put the big sheet under the enlarger, exposed it, processed it in the usual way and dried it. Finally, some of the neg strips come out okay but some of them negs are thick or thin so one of them was underexposed one of them was overexposed, therefore I did an other contact sheet but this time I exposed the photo paper with 18 secs so now I nearly got a good exposure for every neg strips.

   When I was taking the pictures, mainly I was looking for lines,patterns,scale, overlapping and I tried to get people on my picture.

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