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Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Photograms

Photogram 1: "Love"

First of all when I did this photogram I just wanted to do the process successfully. I used a plastic spiral, pieces of string, one rose and 4 little bows. These materials were fully blocking the light, except the string where the light have gone through a little bit to give a gray tone to the picture. I arranged "love" and the rose in parallel line and the spiral gives the frame to the image. I did proper exposure which was 9.8 secs. I did the 4 step process and I got the negative image without any stains or finger prints. So, I had no problem to create a photogram and process the photo paper. I think this photogram can evoke feelings in people and also evoke different feelings about love in every person. When I look at this picture the first thing in my mind is an other person who is important to me and means a lot to me.
What do you think?

   I did my other 3 photograms after we looked each other's works in class. So, I tried to be more creative and I started to play with more interesting materials ex. sand and water to create stronger feeling and a more dynamic pictures.

Photogram 2: "Feathers"
If I look at this picture, It makes feelings and images in me immediately. For example I imagine that I'm under the palm trees on a sandy beach and I can hear the sound of the waves. Or I can feel myself weightless and lightsome. At this time I took out the picture earlier from the developer tray so it had less time to convert the latent image into metalic silver. So, It has lighter tones now. I should arrange the feathers in better way next time. Exposition was 8 secs. As you can see the feathers let through some of the light and give gray tone to the image, so it's a semi-transparent material.
What do you think?

Photogram 3: "Spiral"

Photogram 3: "Splashed Water"    I've got this idea from the Internet when I saw a photogram made by Abelardo Morell. So, I tried to make a photogram using water like he did. I sprinkled the photo paper with water then I exposed for 8secs. After that I wiped up the water and then I started to processing. I didn't left the paper in the developer tray for 1 min (I should left it), that's why it looks grayish and also water is semi-transparent . It's interesting to see how it worked because there's different size of water drops. If I look at this picture, I always want to dry my hands even if they're dry. I also can hear the sound of rain drops when they hit the window and imagine a gloomy day. I should make this photogram into positive to get a very impressed image. What do you think?
  (negative)  Abelardo Morell (positive)    This is my favorite and my best photogram I think. I only used sand this time which is a very interesting material to play with. I can define the quantity of sand and make it to an opaque or semi-transparent material. Some places on the picture, the sand totally blocks the light, while on other places the light goes through between the particles. This picture is quite impressing because you can see it many different ways. Maybe there is a snake on the picture or the galaxy with stars and planets or you're just getting dizzy. It evokes many feeling in myself. I think sand is a very good material to use and create a fantastic photogram. Exposition was 9 secs. What do you think?

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