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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Extra - Photograms

   Here is a link about how to make photogram. This video shows every step and gives explanation about how to make a photogram properly. I did the same things as in the video. Enjoy it!

Photograms made by other photographers

   I have done some research about two famous photographer. Both photographer were a pioneer artist who achieved that photograms become popular in 1920's. 

* MAN RAY (Philadelphia, USA 1890 - 1976 Paris, France)

   The next image is very impressing because Man Ray didn't use much material, he only used a bulb and sand. He created a very effective image by using sand because if I look at this image it looks like 3D. I can imagine that the dust moving slowly around the bulb. Or when someone stops the world in a movie and every motion is really slow. Sometimes i can see the same thing in my bedroom when the morning sunlight radiates into the room and I can see the flying dust particles in the light strip. So, this image is very dynamic and definitely creates mood. What do you think?

Other Rayograms:

* LASZLO MOHOLY-NAGY (Bácsborsód, Hungary 1895 - 1946 Chicago)

   I think this image is very dynamic and evokes feelings. I imagine two person as they're fighting with each other and there's some tension between each other. The right face looks very angry and also the tones on that side are more darker while the left face looks frightened and the tones are more lighter. I immediately start to think about what happened between the two person and why they're in conflict. What do you think?

My Photograms

Photogram 1: "Love"

First of all when I did this photogram I just wanted to do the process successfully. I used a plastic spiral, pieces of string, one rose and 4 little bows. These materials were fully blocking the light, except the string where the light have gone through a little bit to give a gray tone to the picture. I arranged "love" and the rose in parallel line and the spiral gives the frame to the image. I did proper exposure which was 9.8 secs. I did the 4 step process and I got the negative image without any stains or finger prints. So, I had no problem to create a photogram and process the photo paper. I think this photogram can evoke feelings in people and also evoke different feelings about love in every person. When I look at this picture the first thing in my mind is an other person who is important to me and means a lot to me.
What do you think?

   I did my other 3 photograms after we looked each other's works in class. So, I tried to be more creative and I started to play with more interesting materials ex. sand and water to create stronger feeling and a more dynamic pictures.

Photogram 2: "Feathers"
If I look at this picture, It makes feelings and images in me immediately. For example I imagine that I'm under the palm trees on a sandy beach and I can hear the sound of the waves. Or I can feel myself weightless and lightsome. At this time I took out the picture earlier from the developer tray so it had less time to convert the latent image into metalic silver. So, It has lighter tones now. I should arrange the feathers in better way next time. Exposition was 8 secs. As you can see the feathers let through some of the light and give gray tone to the image, so it's a semi-transparent material.
What do you think?

Photogram 3: "Spiral"

Photogram 3: "Splashed Water"    I've got this idea from the Internet when I saw a photogram made by Abelardo Morell. So, I tried to make a photogram using water like he did. I sprinkled the photo paper with water then I exposed for 8secs. After that I wiped up the water and then I started to processing. I didn't left the paper in the developer tray for 1 min (I should left it), that's why it looks grayish and also water is semi-transparent . It's interesting to see how it worked because there's different size of water drops. If I look at this picture, I always want to dry my hands even if they're dry. I also can hear the sound of rain drops when they hit the window and imagine a gloomy day. I should make this photogram into positive to get a very impressed image. What do you think?
  (negative)  Abelardo Morell (positive)    This is my favorite and my best photogram I think. I only used sand this time which is a very interesting material to play with. I can define the quantity of sand and make it to an opaque or semi-transparent material. Some places on the picture, the sand totally blocks the light, while on other places the light goes through between the particles. This picture is quite impressing because you can see it many different ways. Maybe there is a snake on the picture or the galaxy with stars and planets or you're just getting dizzy. It evokes many feeling in myself. I think sand is a very good material to use and create a fantastic photogram. Exposition was 9 secs. What do you think?

Task 1: Photograms (Theme: Emotions)

   When I'm making photograms I have to be in the dark room where no light gets in, to allow the processing of light sensitive photographic materials.

                                         enlarger  ->

What is a Photogram?

   A photogram is a type of contact print when I'm placing objects on light sensitive photographic paper and then exposing it with white light from an enlarger. So, I make an image without using a camera. The result is a negative image. Where the paper received no light appear white and the other areas of the paper which fully exposed appear black. The semi-transparent or transparent objects appear gray.

What things I can use to make a Photogram?

   I can use variety of objects and materials to create a unique photogram. Objects can be opaque (blocking the light completely),semi-transparent or transparent (blocking some of the light). 2D or 3D objects,drawings,cut paper. The materials can be naturally accruing,man made,wood,glass,paper etc. The main thing is to try create a dynamic composition using variety of objects/materials which evoke emotions or moods in people.

How I make a Photogram?

   First, I set the enlarger to the desired size of the paper. I use some tape to help define the printing area if the enlarger is switched off. Then I arrange the objects/different materials on the photo paper in my composition. I make sure the paper fits inside the defined area and then I expose with light for about 9 or 10 seconds. After that I have to process the photographic paper. The processing is 4 step:

   - Step 1: Developer: The developer converts the latent image to metalic silver. So, I place the paper in the developer tray for 1 min. I rock the edge of the tray to ensure there are no bubbles. The paper should be fully submerged.

   - Step 2: Stop Bath: Usually the stop bath is a dilute solution of acetic acid but it can be clean water. I remove the paper from the developer and I allow it to drip for a few secs. Then I place it in stop bath tray for 30 secs to stop the action of the developer. Rock the edge of the tray,ensure there are no bubbles and fully submerge the paper.
- Step 3: Fixer: The fixer (hypo) job is to dissolving any remaining silver halide salts from the paper. I remove the paper from the stop bath,I allow it to drip and then I place it in the fixer and process it for 4 mins. Rock the edge and fully submerge the paper.
- Step 4: Water rinse: The last step is the water rinse where I leave the paper in a clean water for 5 mins to remove any remaining fixer from the paper. After I finish the process I put the negative picture in a dry tray.

   Finally, I take the picture to the processing room to dry it in a dust-free environment. For drying, I use a dryer machine. The paper should go through 2x or 3x in the dryer. Then I place the image on a flat surface.

Health & Safety in Dark Room

Friday, September 28, 2012

Unit 2 - Materials,Techniques and Processes

   This unit is a 4 week task, which contains:  Photograms, Pin Holes and 35mm black & white film camera.
   - Week 1: Photograms (Theme: Emotions)
   - Week 2: Pin Hole camera (Theme: Reflections)
   - Week 3: 35mm black&white film camera (Theme: Perspective)
   - Week 4: 35mm black&white film camera (Theme: Perspective)

The grading criteria in this unit:

   - Pass:  * explore materials,techniques and processes safely
               * use materials, techniques and processes safely
               * evaluate the suitability of selected materials,techniques and processes
                  at relevant stages of the process

   - Merit: * show considered understanding of the characteristics and uses of materials,
                  techniques and processes through in-depth investigation and producing
experimental work
                * carry out purposeful analysis and application of materials,techniques and

   - Distinction: * use analysis, evaluation and experimental techniques perceptively to
work that recognizes the full potential and limitation of
and processes


Hello Bloggers! 

My name is Fanni Horvath and I'm a first year student Photographer at St Helens College. I started a Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Photography. I have always been interested in photography and I hope that it becomes my future job. I'm very motivated and excited to learn everything about this profession. So, the purpose of this blog is to record my course work and my development in photography. I'm going to write about every task what I've been learned and also about my experiences. I'll upload some picture of my works and other's works which are linking to the task or if I find some interesting website or link I will share them too. The blog will be updated regularly and frequently. Finally, have fun while you're surfing on my blog. :)